Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Pre Trip Thoughts - India

As I await my India trip, there are so many thoughts running in my mind. Few years ago, when we first got to know we would be coming to Seattle, WA, Arun and I were all excited to explore and start our new life together. It has been great so far, made some wonderful friends, who are no less than a family. Luncheons, numerous outings, witnessing fireworks, Leavenworth fall trip, and so many other things have strengthened the bond overtime.

But in spite of all this, every year, I get this undeniable desire to meet my family, my extended family, friends with whom I grew up, shop at Jayanagar 4th block , Commercial street (Bangalore, India), go to beaches at Mangalore(India), and most importantly have the in person presence of my family, being able to hug them, cuddle them and just get pampered. Over the years, in spite of numerous Skype calls, it all seems so dreamy. Not being able to be a part of their lives and vice versa does hurt a lot. It all seems like a routine that I have got used to. Routine of not being able to see them and just be satisfied by the Skype calls. At the end of the day, it all boils down to the choices we make. I believe in not regretting my choice and cherishing the present.

Anyways, as I was planning my vacation the first thing on my list was getting gifts for my loved ones. I love giving gifts, the feeling is directly proportional to how much I love receiving them. I somehow love the idea of giving and capturing that first reaction of happiness, surprise and sometimes shock. Luckily, I have never encountered the shock factor J. This time the list was pretty long, as it was after nearly two years that I was going home. In the last two years some of my friends have been promoted to the role of mighty mom. As a result I was so very excited for shopping for the little ones, who are extremely dear to me. It was fun shopping for the kid’s clothes. I realized Arun, and I have a very varied taste. He likes simple and comfortable clothing, as he believes one should tend to kid’s comfort. However, I always went for the uber stylish ones. I have promised to work on that J. Then came the bibs, hair bands, and the toys. Some were so cute that I wanted to try them. I for one feel that cute little babies are going to rock my trip this time and I am not complaining one bit. J

 I have been making some amateur jewelry in the last one year, which to my amusement a lot of my friends like. Every visit, they request that I make and get some for them, somehow I never did. As, I always wanted to get them something much more special. This time, I wanted it to be different, still special, but different. So, in the last one week, everyday I spent about an hour to make some earrings. Finally, I have made enough to cater to everyone. Hopefully, they like them.

Then, there are some important family functions. I love family gatherings. Firstly because it is a platform where every one gets together. Secondly, the part where we ladies get a chance to buy gorgeous clothes, accessories and prepare for the day.

Apart from all this, I definitely anticipate numerous temple trips. Not that I complain, I am sure, I would cherish every single moment. From here on there is excitement, anticipation, happiness and the short wait J.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Franklin Falls - Easy Hike and Breathtakingly Beautiful

Franklin Falls

After multiple, futile attempts at trying to find a cabin/vacation home to stay this July 4 weekend, Arun and I decided to explore in and around of Washington State. Interesting part was that in my extensive research of about two days, I discovered that there are about 3949+ vacation homes in the whole of WA State. Astonishing part was to find most of them booked.

As it is beautiful summer now, we decided to explore the waterfall places. The most popular and the closest one is Snoqualmie Falls, which is about 15 miles from Bellevue. We have been there so many times so we wanted to go someplace else this time. At the end of a dedicated search, we decided upon Franklin Falls.

All we knew about this falls before reaching there was that it is a round-trip 2.0 miles.  Following our recent hiking, trekking trips, I have reached a conclusion that I just don’t enjoy the treks, which are longer, say more then 5 miles of round-trip.  So, we just limit to anything with less then 5 miles of walk. This falls is located near the Snoqualmie Pass in Kittitas County, WA. 

As usual we were blown away by the wilderness. There was so much of green around, all happy faces greeting us and pretty crowded too.  The trail was really well made, with wooden logs at regular intervals. The best part about this falls was that every now and then there were diversions, so one could sit and play in the stream of water. Water, which was so clean, clear and beautiful. This region also housed many cabins. It was a lovely sight to see people relaxing at the patio and witnessing the stream of water. We took multiple breaks and not because we were tired. But we just wanted to sit down, relax and capture all the beauty. 

I am pretty careful while I walk, trek or hike mostly because I want to go back home all fine and not damaged :). But this trip is going to remembered for a long time not just for it’s beauty, also because I had a bad fall not once but twice. It was quite hilarious. As I was walking towards the slippery areas, I could hear Arun telling me not to, but I kept going and then I went boom and boom again.  Funny part was to hear a dad saying his kids; on how to listen to him and if they don’t they would end up falling like me. I was like okay my fall was useful in a way :) .

When we were about 100 feet away from the falls, we caught the sight of the falls and we went hysterical with joy. The last 100 feet of walk had to be treaded with care because it was slippery, narrow and there were lot of rocks.

First time after 2.5 years in Seattle, I was in a waterfall place and actually near the waterfall. I could feel the water on my face, wind blowing, and felt extremely happy. We sat there for another hour or so. Before returning we actually wanted to get very close to the waterfall. It was very cold and there was so much force. But we wanted to go closer and feel the beauty.  We could barely stand there for about 40 seconds, but it was breathtakingly beautiful. For a second, I thought I am going to be thrown away by the force of water. Before that could happen we bid good-bye and started walking back.
Walking back to the parking area was much faster, we discussed about paying this place many more visits before summer is gone. This place is definitely worth visiting and on your way back you can gorge on the delicious food at Aahaar (Indian Restaurant at Snoqualmie).

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Vashon Island - Paradise not too far away

I love to travel. Thankfully, Arun too shares the same thought. Back in India, I never got a chance to travel so much. Large part of my childhood and adolescence was spent on studying, trying to get good grades, coaching classes, and more studying. So the only time, which would excite me, was when we took those yearly trips to my native place, Shimoga (India) and Thirthahalli (India). Especially Thirthahalli, because it was completely devoid of the city look, no popular stores, no malls then (no malls even now), those small shops which had excellent neer dosa and fresh, hot idli, beautiful wilderness, and my grandpa's beautiful palatial ancestral house with a big joint family. Every trip was a celebration of sorts; about 20+ family members would welcome us. Staying under one roof with such a big family was what I loved the most, which was completely opposite to the one I was used to in Mangalore.

So after moving to Seattle, Arun and I decided to take trips whenever we could. We initially had decided to take a trip every month, which down the line we realized was very silly and not practical. Now we stick to places, which are close and could be explored well in 2-3 days. This Memorial Day weekend was no different. Our dearest friends (Dhivya, Dinesh, Ranjith, Shankar) and us started hunting for a vacation home. We love vacation homes, the idea of staying under one roof cooking, bantering, watching movies is so much fun. After a lot of research we rounded upon Vashon or Vashon-Maury Island. This gem is not too far from Seattle, it is just a ferry ride away. It takes about 1.5 hour from Bellevue. Not very densely populated, not commercialized yet, and completely devoid of anything artificial.

I was surprised to find bit too many vegan, gluten free restaurants. There was this really cool place we went to namely Zombie's. The entire decor of the restaurant was based on the Zombie Theme. It had these great burgers, which my friends gorged upon. I satisfied myself with a low fat, wheat crust pizza and licorice & peppermint tea.

The vacation home and the location were very endearing. The view was great. Unfortunately it was kind of rainy on the second day, so we could not really soak in the beach beauty. Also I kind of realized that when you are at a vacation home you end up eating a lot. There are multiple options, huge amounts of snacks, and there is also the part where you are exploring the cuisine around. I am kind of guilty of eating up a bit too much this time. 

At the end of the trip, we decided to visit this place again some time soon. It was so refreshing and relaxing. The drive in the woods, coupled with the exciting time spent with the friends who are no less then a family would be remembered for a long, long time to come. However we did miss a few friends (Arathi, Ehsan, Helina, Richa, Mridul) who could not make it yet are such an integral part of the family. Here's to friendship, family, vacation home, nature and more trips.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tea Time

I love Tea. Green Tea, Chai Latte, Herbal Tea, Red Tea. The list is endless. My fascination with tea began, since my days in college. Every morning, my dad used to wake me up with a cup of chai. It was so tasty. Perfect combo of milk, Sugar and the tea decoction. I used to take the night bus to Mangalore from Bangalore and would reach at about 6 am in the morning. The moment I walk through the door the first thing, I see is my dad smiling and ready with a cup of tea.

I am not much into coffee, because I just like to stay away from caffeine. So, once I moved to Seattle, my search for Tea places began. I first got to try Tea at Bai Tong. It's a Thai restaurant. They had too many options. It was great to wrap up your lunch/dinner with peppermint, chamomile or jasmine tea. Chamomile was my favorite. Arun loves Jasmine tea mainly because of its amazing flavor and aroma. Post that all my visits to any Thai restaurant ended with a cup of tea.
This journey led me to explore many more Tearooms. The Tearoom which led to this post is Smacha Tea. I had never before been to a place which was entirely dedicated to Tea. It was beautiful, especially on a cold, rainy evening. The place looked beautiful. The tea pots, tea brewers, cups which were on display were a work of great art. Absolute treat to the eyes.

Arun and I could not stop looking at the cups. Owner was kind enough to explain about a few brewers, the usage and the making of them. We admired the stuffs and decided to buy a set soon.
I ordered a cup of Oolong Tea. It is one of the most popular types of tea in China. It has immense health benefits. Arun as usual ordered Jasmine Tea. When the order arrived, what took us by surprise was the large quantity and the kind of cups it came in.

We didn't complain and were more than happy to have it. The rest of the evening was spent discussing about how we need to visit this place more often. :-)

Friday, February 14, 2014


Valentine.This word started making sense to me, when I hit my teens.At that time , for me it was just a very special day with that very special guy.As I had no body special then,all I dreamed was having a great valentine some day with lots of gifts,bouquets and no chocolates(I don't like them).

However, over time this day has started making so much more sense to me.While I was working in Bangalore,India, I stayed in a pg and my roommates were also my really close friends.I treasure those days.It was great.We shared our problems,cried,laughed,fought.Over the years, you develop a very strong bond.Because those are the beautiful faces you see first thing in the morning and last one before hitting the sack.I loved them.I love them even now.The very thought of Koramangala(my city) gives me the immense pleasure equivalent to the one, I get by eating Gulab Jamuns(my favorite sweet). During that time Valentine's day was spent with them.We did give gifts to each other.Something we could totally afford and yet be so happy about it.Sometimes celebrating happiness and sometimes to get past the break ups.

I always had this practice of wishing my parents.I , remember about 4-5 years ago,when I used to wish my mother, she used to put  my wish off saying "What Rubbish". But, I never stopped wishing.I kept telling my dad to gift my mom something.Over the years in a relationship/marriage , you are contented and very happy, so you don't feel the need to gift some one and let them know of the love you have.My mom always said your dad gifted me so much when we were dating.

But in the last couple of years,I have seen a significant difference in the way this day is celebrated.My dad gifted my mom a beautiful saree last year and my mom is so proud of it every time she wears it.My in laws have this practice of exchanging gifts followed by dinner and movie.I see stores filled with valentine's day cards addressed to mom,dad,parents,sister,husband,bf.Today as I was walking by the card section, I was enthralled to see a young boy about 7 years old helping his dad get a card for his mom.That made my day.

Valentine's day does not mean you need just one day to express love.Not just one day when you have to give presents.Not just one day to convey your feelings.In this age & time when technology,work,money,personal priorities take over so much.It is good to pause and appreciate all the goodness and love around.This is one day when you can do a little more then other days,give a little more,love a little more, get lost a little more.

My day winded up beautifully, as I listened to my father wish me and then he  told me to pass the phone to Arun saying he wanted to wish him.I smiled quietly.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hawaii - My Journey

There have been so many times in the past few years that, I have created a blog , written a post or two and then stopped completely.So, I decided to start afresh. Ever since I have been to Hawaii,I had this strong urge to write.

Hawaii is the place I have been fascinated with since the time I started using computers.Ask me how?Hawaii used to always deck up as my wallpaper background.I used to keep looking at them and wonder, Could the water be this blue/green?Sky be this clear?

So this January,2014, I got to visit Oahu,Hawaii.Hawaii is one of the smallest but most densely populated states of U.S.It is also only U.S state that is entirely made of islands.Hence it is a very popular holiday destination.It has beautiful weather all through the year so there is never a bad time to visit Hawaii.All I expected was may be a week of warm weather(Happy to be escaping Seattle Cold),relaxation,good weather, wear all the lovely clothes and spend amazing time with my husband.But, I was wrong.It was so much more,it was one such vacation where I actually relaxed, spoke about tomorrow,wonderful dreams,didn't work,wasn't much on my mobile and smiled all through my stay.

The first day,we just walked the streets.That's my most favorite part.I think you actually get to feel the place when you walk the streets.These streets were filled with energy, funkiness, shopping centers, restaurants, seafood bars, jewelry shops(my fav) and lots of people. In the evening we went to beach, it was beautiful to witness the sunset and play around in the sand.Then it was time for dinner,there came the toughest part of finding vegetarian food.We struggled with all through our stay but we managed to find the best Thai Place.Siam Thai Restaurant.This was a blessing with such great food in fact the best Pad Ki Mao.I gorged on the Pad Ki Mao all through my stay.It was Perfect.

Next big destination was the Polynesian Cultural Center(PCC). Where do I begin? PCC is a beautiful Polynesian themed park.Within 8 simulated tropical villages, performers demonstrate various arts & crafts throughout Polynesia.Extremely beautiful girls with lovely,luscious, curly hair.Amazing dance forms, such sync and coordination.Best thing about these performers were that they were so happy performing the art,spreading the word about their culture.It was such a sight,only the pictures below can do justice.

There were these beautiful huts,places of worship,canoe rides.The day ended with a beautiful show namely Ha- The Breath of Life.Such a clean,neat and well executed show depicting different stages of life again coupled with mind-blowing performances.
The following few days were all about local attractions such as the very popular Byodu Temple,beaches,more beaches,hiking, walk the streets and great Pad Ki Mao.

Icing on the cake was the fresh tended coconut I got to have.
This trip was much more then beaches,it was about the beauty of nature and beauty of life.In a way kind of taught me to live every moment and be thankful for every second.